巧妙に増殖するエイズウィルス (ニュートン別冊『人体の不思議』抜粋)
AIDS virus proliferates ingeniously
The AIDS virus, formally called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), is one of retroviruses. Most living organisms on the earth have their genetic information in the form of DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) while some viruses in the form of RNA (RiboNucleic Acid). The retroviruses belong to the latter. The retrovirus has an enzyme called “reverse transcriptase” in addition to RNA. Once a retrovirus enters a cell, its reverse transcriptase serves to transcript an information carried by its RNA onto the DNA in the cell. A new DNA is thus generated and incorporated as DNA in the cell.
The AIDS virus mainly targets helper T-cells (T-lymphocytes) which are indispensable to the immune mechanism. Responding to invasion of a foreign substance such as pathogen, helper T cells generate killer T cells which directly attack the foreign substance, or help B cells to generate antibodies attacking it. In the absence of helper T cells, the immune mechanism of living organisms does not work.
The combustion activity to DS was tested for the DS or PWO-1 supported ARKE-T catalysis. The amount of the supported ARKE-T catalyst was 78mmol as metal/g-carrier and the oxygen concentration was 0.8vol% on the test. Figure 1 shows the percent combustion of DS against the reaction time.
Both of the DS supported ARKE-T catalysts and the PWO-1 supported ARKE-T salt catalysts showed an actiity dependent on the type of ARM. The order was ARL<ARN<ARK. All types of ARKE-T showed a higher activity when supported by PWO-1 than by DS directly. The percent combustion at 1000 hour after the start of the reaction was also improved in the former case relative to that in the latter case: 58% to 72% for ARL, 69% to 80% for ARN, and 72% to 98% for ARK.