Fight Crime and Terror
Thank you for this very kind invitation to talk about subjects of mutual interest to those of you in Osaka and Japan and the United States, namely the reduction in crime, and dealing with terror, which is a form of crime and a form of warfare, kind of combined in one. But before I start talking about that I want to thank you very, very much for inviting me. And I want to particularly thank the people of Japan for the tremendous support that they showed us on September 11, and in the days following the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the other attack that was stopped that we probably headed for Washington D.C. The support of our friends was absolutely critical to our ability to be able to deal with it, to deal with it practically, and to deal with it emotionally. And Japan and the Japanese government were among our biggest friends. Your prime minister came and visited us, spent all of time with us, shared his experiences with us, and then made some very generous donations, including a five million dollar donation to the Twin Towers Fund, which was a find that was established to help the police officers and the fire fighters and the rescue workers. So I thank you for the number of signs of friendship that came at a very important time for New York and for the United States.
For the subject that I am going to talk about, or the subjects that I am going to talk abut, I will related my own experiences and the things that I thought worked in New York and in the United States. Some of those may be relevant to what you can do here, some may not be. Every place is different; every place has different local concerns, histories, laws, and priorities. But I think that some of the things that I am going to talk about are universal in their appeal.
When I became mayor of New York City, way back in 1994, and if I can set the stage for your, it was time of a significant amount of crime in New York City, and for many years New York City had been considered the crime capital of America. We were considered the city that was the most dangerous to come to. I remember in the year 1990 I was in England giving a talk about securities law, which is a subject that usually puts people to sleep, but I tried as much as I could to make it interesting, and at the end of my talk to a group of lawyers mostly, one of them put up his hand, and he had a brochure from a travel agency about coming to New York City, and the travel agent in his advertisement gave the person ten tips on how not to be the victim of a crime in New York City. One of them was not to make eye contact with people. And it seemed to me that was the worst kind of think you could say to someone about going anywhere. That in essence, in New York City, in order to be safe they couldn’t look at anyone. So that was one indication on how bad things had become.
Another indication was in 1990, New York City was featured on the cover of Time magazine, which is one of America’s principle national magazines. The front cover had the title “The Rotting of the Big Apple.” One of the nicknames of New York City is the Big Apple. And the front cover had pictures of people being beaten, being robbed, their homes being broken into, and the whole article was about how terrible things had become in New York City, how dangerous it was. So when I came into office I knew that I had to stop that, that I had to change it quickly, because not only were we suffering from thousands and thousands of crimes, two thousand murders a year we were averaging, but we were losing our economic base, people weren’t coming to the city of New York, people were leaving. So I really decided over a course of time that there were three things that I had to do. Three things that I think were at the core of the change that took place in the city of New York. And just to abbreviate the change, let me tell you what it was. New York City over the next eight, nine years saw a reduction in crime of what know amounts to about 70 percent, a reduction in homicide of about 75 percent, and after about five years of these changes, it went from being the crime capital of America to being considered the safest large city in the United States, with per capita less crime than Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, Miami Florida. In fact, less crime than 168 other American cities, some of which had very small populations. And then the culmination of it was on January 1, 2000, just ten years later, Time magazine had a front cover depicting NYC on the day of the millennium celebration, with a front cover and article about how New York City was the best example of urban renaissance, urban change, and mostly premised on the fact that crime had been reduced so dramatically for seven or eight continuous years. And it became critical, really, to our ability to recover, gain jobs, have record surpluses rather than deficits. But there were three things that I think were at the core of that crime reduction, and continue to be because crime continues to be reduced in New York City. One was a program, the second was a philosophy, and the third was resources. The program is called the ComStat program. The philosophy is called the broken window theory, and the resources mainly were an increase and reorganization of the police department, so we could have enough police and have them organized in the right way to deal with the problem of crime.
First the program. The program is called the ComStat program. It began as any program does, very modestly, and it became a very complex computer program. But at the core of it is keeping crime statistics, on a daily basis, very carefully, for every precinct in the city. New York City, and almost every city, has subdivisions like this. New York City has 77 police precincts. It is a city of 8.1 million people. There are 77 police precincts. Each of them would be required to report the crime statistics every single day, the number of people beaten, the number of people raped, the number of people murdered, the number of people who had their car stolen, the number of people who had property stolen, and that would all be entered. At the beginning it was all done on paper; it would actually be written down and brought to the police headquarters to be put into a big program and analyzed. Within a short period of time it was put on computers, put on the Internet, and the purpose of it was to assign accountability for the reduction of crime, and to be able to analyze it on a weekly and daily basis. We treated reduction of crime like you would a war, a campaign, in which what we wanted was the most information possible so we would make the right decisions about where to put our police officers. You don’t need police officers in every part of the city; you need different police officers in different parts of the city depending on the kind of crime problem you have. And then quickly the ComStat program that began on pieces of paper, and then became computerized and put on the Internet, included pin mapping. So you could put up on a big map at police headquarters the location of where the crimes took place, the time of day in which they took place, and then you could plot against that where your police officers were. Did you have them assigned at the right time? Did you have them assigned at the right place? Is the reason crime is going up because most of your police officers were assigned during the daytime, and in this particular area in the city most of the crime is occurring at night? New York, like Osaka or your cities, is very different in different parts of the city; some parts of the city have a certain level of crime, other parts of the city have different crimes, and you need to know that in a very strategic way to figure out how to assign your police. In the main business district of New York City, which is called Midtown Manhattan, we have relatively little violent crime; but we have a certain amount of property crime because there is a lot of expensive property to be stolen. In the poorer areas of the city we may have more violent crime, and in the suburban areas of the city we might have more house break-ins because there are homes with property to take things out of. In certain parts of the city we have car theft, other parts of the city we don’t have car theft. All that suggests is you don’t need the same number of police officers uniformly throughout the city, and you don’t need the same type of police officers. Police officers who are going to stop outdoor violent crime have to be patrol officers. Police officers who are going to stop car theft largely have to be investigators; they have to be able to do investigations, and they have to be able to figure out who is organizing the car thefts. But in order to make those decisions, you have to be able to analyze the city you are in, and you can only do that if you break it down geographically, and you break it down by category of crime, and the ComStat program allowed us to do that. And it continues to allow us to do it. I am quite confident that for so long as New York City uses the ComStat program, it will continually be able to reduce crime, because another part of the ComStat program, and this is critical to reducing crime, it’s critical to good government, it’s critical to running a business efficiently, it’s accountability. People need to know what they are responsible for. And the ComStat program gave us the opportunity to set accountability, and the accountability started with the mayor. I had a sign made up that I put on my desk, I continue to keep it there, and the sign says “I’m responsible” because accountability started with the major, and then the police commissioner, and then the commanders of the precincts. And we would enforce or work out that accountability by having ComStat meetings every week. Very often when people gather statistics in an intense way, like the way we were gathering statistics in New York City, hundreds and thousands of reports of crime being put in a computer program, very often, or too often, those statistics are gathered for academic interests or interests, and they are put in a drawer, and people look at them every six months or every year or whatever. In fact, that is what we were doing until 1994. What we decided to do was we were going to have a meeting once a week to discuss those statistics, called the ComStat meeting. It was held in a room, probably about a quarter of the size of this room, and allowed all of the commanders to sit there, the police commissioner, sometimes the mayor, and the discussion would be about the crime statistics, including audiovisual techniques for showing them on screens, looking at them on maps. And the purpose of it was to determine who was doing a good job on reducing crime, and who wasn’t, and what crimes.
So something like this could happen at a ComStat meeting, to give you an illustration on how the accountability worked. You could take a look at a section of New York City, let’s say the Bronx. I pick the Bronx because that is where the New York Yankees play, and I am still recovering from our losing last night because we are not used to losing. The New York Yankees play in the Bronx, and there are a number of precincts in the Bronx; so let’s say in one precinct crime is going up, there are a lot more break-ins of apartments. In the precinct right next to it, crime is going down, same kind of crime. You can see that through the ComStat program. Now you have two precinct commanders: so you say to one, why are your crime numbers going up and right next to you, right next door, the precinct next door, break-ins are going down? The precinct commander can say, well Mr. Commissioner, or Mr. Mayor, about six months ago you reassigned a group of police officers, and you gave my colleague in the precinct next to me 30 new police officers, you gave me only five. My crime is going up, I need more than five. So in essence, in a nice way, he would saying, it’s your accountability, it’s your responsibility; you didn’t provide me with enough resources, or maybe not enough detectives to investigate why this is coming about. The other precinct commander got more. So now the accountability shifts to the mayor and the police commissioner, and it is our job to find those additional 5 or 20 or 25 police officers. Maybe take them from somewhere else, maybe take people out of the academy, maybe train some more, maybe hire some more. Then you turn over these police officers if you agree with that precinct commander. However, because there was a ComStat meeting every week, the accountability now has shifted. The mayor and the police commissioner have done what they are supposed to do; they’ve supplied the resources the commander has asked for. Now over the course of the next 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 months, one of the things the ComStat meeting will focus on is, now that you have go what you wanted, did you bring about a reduction in home break-ins, in apartment break-ins, like your colleague in the precinct next door? If you did, then you’re in line for promotions, rewards, more responsibility, and if you didn’t, then maybe there is going to be another precinct commander pretty soon. But that is how accountability works. You have to reduce it to things that can be discussed, things that can reflect what’s going on, and things that can then result in action that is valuable action. Maybe the best way to conceive of this change is the following. Before we had the ComStat program, we would largely measure the success of our police by the number of arrests they were making. If they made a lot of arrests, they were considered successful and busy and they needed more help. If they were failing to make arrests, then they were considered to maybe not be doing their job. Now arrest is not a bad measure to determining police activity, but it is not a perfect one. It’s not the best one, it’s not the one that really gets at the core of what you are really trying to do with police and prosecutors; what you’re really trying to do is not arrest people, but what you are really trying to do is to prevent crime. What you are trying to do is to create safety, and arresting people is a means to creating safety, but it is not the only means and not the only indicator. So by moving to the level of analyzing crime statistics rather than arrests, you really arrive at what the goal of a police organization really is, and what the goal of the government is, which is to provide safety. And now when you’re discussing police statistics, you are discussing the reality of what it is that you want to achieve, and you’re setting accountability based on that reality, rather than something misses the mark. It could reflect itself in decisions like this: If a precinct commander, or any police commander, thought that the measure of success for them was in the number of arrests they were going to make, then they would motivate their police officers to make a lot of arrests. But when you free them up to start thinking about crime statistics, and reducing crime and eliminating crime, then they will think about using those police officers maybe for other things; maybe it makes more sense, rather than have five police officers arrest people, to have them standing in the right place at the right time to have them prevent crime. Or it makes sense to have them investigate more organized crime because that will prevent a lot of crimes, or to devote three or four weeks to catching a particular gang of criminals because by doing that you can avoid a hundred crimes, rather than by just going to arrest one person. But what you want is, you want the creative people in your police organization, not to be thinking just about arresting people, but you want them to be able to think about how do we reduce, how do we eliminate crime. And by having a ComStat program, a program of accountability that revolves around crime statistics, that’s what you are able to accomplish. It can mean, because the major difference between New York City and most other American cities, most other American cities over the last ten years have had crime declines, but most other American cities also had crime increases during that period of time. Boston went through a period of crime decline, and then had a big, big boost in its murders. Chicago, which is a city even more than half the size of New York City, had 600 murders. New York City has less than 600, even though Chicago has 3 million people and New York City has 8.1 million people. The biggest difference is that New York City has been able to reduce crime every single year for the last nine years. There hasn’t been a break in it, and the ComStat program is the key to it.
I remember the beginning of 2001, we were about three or four weeks into the year and we were looking at the crime statistics, as we did every week, the police commissioner and I and the police department, and we noticed that in the past four or five weeks, that property theft had gone up dramatically, for some reason, in Manhattan, in the business district, in a place where we hadn’t had a crime increases in maybe seven or eight years. We didn’t know why, but because we had these crime statistics, and we looked at them every week, it required us to ask why. And it took about two to three weeks to get the answer. The answer was that people, large numbers of people, some of them organized into kind of gangs, were breaking into office buildings at night and stealing personal computers. And stealing lots of them and then selling them on the black market. Most of the personal computers were valued at one thousand dollars or more, so it became what would be considered under New York law, serious property theft. And it was going on and there wasn’t much focus on it. By using the crime statistics, by analyzing it, by staying on top of it, and by looking at it for the first four to five weeks, we then were able to organize a strategy to stop and reverse it. We brought in all the security forces from the various office buildings. We sat down with them, we discussed it, we showed them what was happening. We came up with a plan with them to increase their security, the businesses providing some of it, the city providing some of it. We caught some of the main gangs that were involved in it as a result of that, and what happed was that over the next two to three months, property crime in Manhattan, in the business district, leveled off, and then it started to decline, and then it started to decline dramatically. So that was crime reduction that was created by analyzing statistics, and that is why I am a very big advocator of the ComStat program.
But the ComStat program wouldn’t work if you didn’t have the proper resources. You also had to have the correct number of police officers, and New York City for a long time didn’t have enough police officers. At one time we had gone down to as few as 19,000 police officers in a city that eventually, at the time of our biggest crime decline, we had increased to 41,000. It was vitally important that we have the correct number. And not just that having police officers is going to help you. The most important thing is to know what you are going to do with them, rather than just have them, which is what the ComStat program achieves, strategically figuring out what to do with your police. But you have to have a critical mass of police officers so you can do the things that I am describing. Move them around so they reduce property crime in a certain place, or reduce auto theft in another place, or deal with rapes when a serial rapist begins, you have enough police officers to investigate that. You need a critical mass of police, and we didn’t have that, and one of the things we had to decide, which is where the accountability rests with the mayor, and the political forces, we had to decide on raising our budget in order to pay for those additional police officers, and also reorganizing our police department. We used to have three separate police departments back in 1994. We had a police department for the main city of New York, the New York City Police Department, which is called NYPD. We had a police department that policed our subways and buses called the Transit Police, and we had a third police department that policed our housing developments. We have about 800,000 people who live in public housing, and there was a separate police department that just took care of the housing developments. Now fairly often, those police departments were actually looking for the same people, someone who committed a crime on the subway, who committed a crime in a housing development, who committed a crime on the streets. All three police departments would in essence be looking for the same person, and when you have three separate organizations the lines of communication are always inexact, not a good, and sometimes terrible, depending on the friction that goes on. Police organizations, law enforcement organizations are no different from any other. So we worked very, very hard, pushed very hard, fought a lot of political battles, and had all three of them merged into one unitary police department, so that they could work together so we get the benefit of all those resources. But if you are going to reduce crime, you have to have enough police and you have to have them organized in the right way, because you need those resources in order to accomplish the objective of reducing crime.
The third thing that I mentioned is, in addition to a program and resources, you need a philosophy, you need a viewpoint, a theory, a way of looking at crime, so that it organizes the efforts of all of your police, your prosecutors, the people who are working in this, and it brings the community behind you in a way in which you are actually educating people to reduce crime. The philosophy that we used was the broken window theory. It is called that because two professors, many years ago back in the early 1980s, who were working at Harvard University, Professor Kelling and Professor Wilson, came up with theory called the broken window theory about crime and about the way crime was growing in the United States. And basically the theory is that we weren’t paying attention to things that we regarded as small things; we were ignoring them, we weren’t paying attention to it. And their comparison was to a building: If you own a building and someone breaks a single window in the building, and you say I am very busy, I have more important things to think about, and what can the breaking of a single window matter? So you ignore that. Then a second window is broken, then a third window, a fourth window, and finally enough windows are broken that this relatively small thing becomes a big thing, and the building is structurally unsound and it falls down. And they said that’s what was happening in many, many American cities. Police were no longer paying attention to drug dealers who were selling small amounts of drugs because they wanted to pay attention to drug dealers that sold large amounts of drugs. They were not paying attention to young people who beat someone up, or committed their first or second crime, because they had much more serious criminals they had to worry about. They weren’t paying attention to street-level prostitution and how that would deteriorate a neighborhood, make it more dangerous, drive businesses out. They weren’t paying attention to graffiti, where people vandalize other people’s property and write on it or paint on it, because they had more important, more serious things to pay attention to. And as a result of that, both professors said, things had really gotten out of control, and for failure to pay attention to the small things, the big things had gotten much worse. You have to reverse that, you’ve got to pay attention to the small things. You can’t let things get out of control. You have to pay attention to the street-level drug dealers and prostitutes and graffiti, and you have to begin to reverse it. Obviously you can’t pay as much attention to that as you do the serious crime, but you can’t ignore it either.
単に警察官を確保しただけでは十分ではありません。最も重要なことは、単に人数を確保することではなく、彼らを使って何をするかを知ることで、これをComStatプログラムが達成したのでした。警察官を使って何をするかを戦略的に考え出すのです。それでも、私がご説明しようとしていることを行えるだけの人数の警察官は必要です。彼らを展開して、ある場所の財産犯罪を減少させたり、別の場所の車の盗難を減少させたり、連続レイプ事件が発生した場合にはレイプ事件に取り組ませたり、あなたにはそれを調査するための十分な人数の警察官がいるのです。十分な人数の警察官が必要なのに我々にはそれがありませんでした。そこで我々が決断しなければならなかったひとつのことが、この件に関してはアカウンタビリティーは市長と警察部隊にあるのですが、警察官の増加に対して支払うために予算を増加すること、そして警察部門の再組織をすることでした。1994年当時、警察部門は3つの部門から構成されていました。NYPDと呼ばれ、ニューヨーク中心部を担当する警察部門である、ニューヨーク市警察部門。Transit Policeと呼ばれ、地下鉄やバスを警備する警察部門。さらに、住宅団地を警備する第3の警察部門。ニューヨークでは約80万人の人々が公営住宅に住んでおり、我々には住宅団地だけを担当する独立した警察部門があったのです。ところで、多くの場合、これらの警察部門は実際には、地下鉄で犯罪を犯し、住宅団地で犯罪を犯し、通りでも犯罪を犯した人物というふうに、同じ人物を捜査していたのです。3つの部門すべてが実際には同一の人物を捜査しているわけで、3つの異なる組織があると、相互の軋轢により、コミュニケーション経路は常に不正確、不完全、ときによりひどいものとなります。警察組織、法の執行組織も例外ではありません。そこで、我々は極めて熱心に取り組み、強力に推進し、いくつもの政治的障害と闘い、3つの部門すべてを統一された警察部門に統合し、3つの部門が協働することによりすべてのリソースの恩恵を受けられるようしたのです。とにかく、犯罪を減少させたいならば、十分な人数の警察官を確保し、彼らを適切に組織しなければならないのです。なぜなら、犯罪の減少という目的を達成するためには、このようなリソースが必要だからです。